Summer 2025 applications now live!



The Bright Lights Campaign was created with the goal of finding monthly donors who were committed to covering the overhead costs at Camp Tulakadik. The hope is that we can ease the financial burden that things like insurance and power bills place on the camp. With that burden lifted the camp would be able to plan and vision and budget accordingly with the funds we have remaining. For more information about Bright Lights contact the camp!




From the first second I met him I knew that God had huge plans for him. I’m going to call him Billy, just for privacy reasons.

Billy was a rough looking kid. You could tell he was carrying physical and emotional scars. His life was keeping him from faith. He wasn’t a Christian and didn’t come from a Christian background.

Right off the bat I related to Billy. I told him about personal stuff in my own life. Billy left after a week. But he told me that he was going to return to camp later in the summer again. I could hardly wait. I was going to be a witness to this kid. I just knew it.

When Billy came back to camp he brought back all of his troubles. He was acting up in the cabin and was difficult. The days were passing and there wasn’t going to be much more time. Looking at the evening sky, I knew I had to talk to Billy. Then I saw him, sitting on a sofa. I sat next to him and told him all about my life and how I had gone from being the worst kid out there to being a follower of God. I shared how Camp had truly changed my life.

The next day I saw Billy and decided to talk to him again. When I sat with him he told me his testimony and how he was terrified that no one would ever love him or treat him right. “Billy,” I said, “God will love you no matter what. And even if you feel you have no support or love, the staff of Camp T will be there for you.”

The very next evening Billy accepted God into his life.

That moment changed my life forever.

Camp does amazing things to people. In part it’s because the staff are so supportive and they are there for you whether at camp or away. Every day I make it my goal to respond to campers’ emails and be a support system to them the same way the staff at camp were a support to me in my time of need! Camp has truly been a blessing in my life and I can’t wait to see how it affects campers’ lives to come!

Mitchell Dysart // Cabin Leader –